Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Breakfast on the road


Debie said...

Yum! Peanut butter and apples!
What a treat knowing that I was a part of that road journey!
Friends. The true test of time.

Anonymous said...

How was the weather on your way home? Those tornado warnings in Wisconsin were pretty exciting!

Victoria Pittman said...

Wahoo for the peanut butt"ah"!!!
I had that same lunch yesterday. Peanut butter and a Macintosh apple. For a snack. Peanut butter and marshmallow fluff on a spoon. Several dips!

Nancy said...

Wow, I forgot for a while that I had started a blog!!! No tornados on the way home, but lots of wind. We had a great time on our trip - especially the beginning meeting up with Debie - a friend I hadn't seen in many many years!